Open bornaZbodulja opened 4 years ago
Hi, I'm trying to run spqrel on a Pepper robot but I get this error:
./pepper_localizer: symbol lookup error: ./pepper_localizer: undefined symbol: _ZN2qi18makeTupleSignatureERKSt6vectorIPNS_13TypeInterfaceESaIS2_EERKSsRKS0_ISsSaISsEE.
I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 on my pc. Please help.
Hi, We never tried it on ubuntu 18.04, but in 16.04. But it looks like there is some dependency missing in the compilation. Try to narrow the error location and find the missing file (boost, maybe?). Cheers
Hi, I'm trying to run spqrel on a Pepper robot but I get this error:
./pepper_localizer: symbol lookup error: ./pepper_localizer: undefined symbol: _ZN2qi18makeTupleSignatureERKSt6vectorIPNS_13TypeInterfaceESaIS2_EERKSsRKS0_ISsSaISsEE.
I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 on my pc. Please help.