LCAS / topological_navigation

The topological navigation framework
Apache License 2.0
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Planning considering edges when robot current_node = none and topological localisation publishes closest edges to the robot. #69

Closed adambinch closed 3 years ago

adambinch commented 3 years ago

Publishes the two closest edges to the robot on the topic /closest_edges with message type topological_navigation_msgs.msg.ClosestEdges

This message has fields for the edge ids and the distances (to the robot) e.g.

edge_ids: [WayPoint56_WayPoint66, WayPoint66_WayPoint56]
distances: [0.3709999918937683, 0.3709999918937683]

Often the two edges reported on this topic will form a bi-directional edge.

Planning ensures that the robot does not go back to closest node before navigating and that it always navigate from the closest edge when far from any node

Edge reconfigure manager renamed.

Jailander commented 3 years ago

tested it, works very nicely will merge