LCAV / pyroomacoustics

Pyroomacoustics is a package for audio signal processing for indoor applications. It was developed as a fast prototyping platform for beamforming algorithms in indoor scenarios.
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Python stops working with max_order over 31 #162

Closed Pvjesper closed 3 years ago

Pvjesper commented 4 years ago

I am using pyroomacoustics purely to generate room impulse responses. I would like to generate more reverberant rooms, of at least one second.

The highest max_order that does not trigger "Python stopped working" is 31. Same behavior on two different computers. I could not find any documentation concerning this. Is it an issue, or am I doing something wrong? I attached a small code snippet that reproduces the error on my machines.

import pyroomacoustics as pra
import numpy as np

def compute_rir(order):
    fromPos = np.zeros((3))
    toPos = np.ones((3,1))
    roomSize = np.array([3,3,3])
    room = pra.ShoeBox(roomSize, fs = 1000, absorption=0.95, max_order=order)
    mics = pra.MicrophoneArray(toPos, room.fs)

print("Completed 31")
print("Completed 32")
fakufaku commented 4 years ago

Hi @Pvjesper I have run your code without problem. I never ran into this problem and used max_order up to 200.

Which python, OS, and pyroomacoustics versions are you using ?

Pvjesper commented 4 years ago

Both machines have the same pyroomacoustics and python version, but different OS. OS: Windows 10, Windows 7 Pyroomacoustics 0.3.1 Python 3.7.4-amd64

fakufaku commented 4 years ago

I see, I was testing on my machine, which is a Mac. I have added a test and run the CI. Indeed, this fails on windows with error -1073741571. This seems to be a stack exhaustion problem.

I don't have a windows machine to experiment here, but maybe you could try to adjust the size of the stack using the resource module ?

import resource
resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK, (2**29,-1))

Edit: maybe 2 ** 29 is not the correct value and you might need to experiment a little I guess.

Pvjesper commented 4 years ago

The resource module seems to be UNIX only. An often suggested solution for windows seems to be leaning on the threading library, and setting the stack size for a newly created thread. However, the smallest allowed stack size for max_order=31 was fine, and the largest allowed stack size for max_order=32 produced the same error.

I would gladly try something else if you have a clue, but I'm not sure where to go from here.

The adjusted script with stack size adjustment:

import threading
import pyroomacoustics as pra
import numpy as np

def compute_rir(order):
    fromPos = np.zeros((3))
    toPos = np.ones((3,1))
    roomSize = np.array([3,3,3])

    room = pra.ShoeBox(roomSize, fs = 1000, absorption=0.999, max_order=order)
    mics = pra.MicrophoneArray(toPos, room.fs)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    t = threading.Thread(target=compute_rir(31))
    print("Computed 31")

    t = threading.Thread(target=compute_rir(32))
    print("Computed 32")
fakufaku commented 4 years ago

Sorry to have dropped the ball on this one. Where you able to make some progress ?

fakufaku commented 3 years ago

@Pvjesper The latest version update includes a complete rewrite of the simulation core in C++ which seems to solve the problem. I have added a test for order over 31 that seems to run without problem. Can you try to update to v0.4.0 and let me know it this solves your problem ?

Pvjesper commented 3 years ago

Thank you! I only have my laptop with me, but I tried it for a few orders, up to 95, and it works well. So I think it is really solved.