LCAV / pyroomacoustics

Pyroomacoustics is a package for audio signal processing for indoor applications. It was developed as a fast prototyping platform for beamforming algorithms in indoor scenarios.
MIT License
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DIRPAT RIR Code First Commit Review #259

Closed prerak23 closed 1 year ago

prerak23 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for sending a pull request (PR), we really appreciate that! Before hitting the submit button, we'd be really glad if you could make sure all the following points have been cleared.

Please also refer to the doc on contributing for more details. Even if you can't check all the boxes below, do not hesitate to go ahead with the PR and ask for help there.

Happy PR :smiley:

fakufaku commented 2 years ago

Hi @prerak23 ! Thank you so much for the PR! I will review it in the coming days! 👍

fakufaku commented 2 years ago

@prerak23 I think the import of file open_sofa_interpolate does not have the correct syntax. See the test output here

pyroomacoustics/ in <module>
    import open_sofa_interpolate
E   ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'open_sofa_interpolate'

It should be done as follows

from . import open_sofa_interpolate
prerak23 commented 2 years ago

Thanks, i will note all the given corrections as the review of the pull request goes ahead . But yes the DIRPAT sofa files are not present in the github repo. You can download them from here.

fakufaku commented 1 year ago

@prerak23 I think we are close but 1) You have included 1600+ files (from libroom/ext/eigen) in the commit. Could you please remove them ? Also, before committing, I would suggest that you review what files you are about to commit with the git status command. 2) You need to add import os in the import section of your test files.