LCD-Smartie / LCDSmartie

The New Official LCD Smartie Repository (LCD Smartie Lazarus port)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Found Another Issue With Waking From Sleep #27

Open Paul-UK-73 opened 1 month ago

Paul-UK-73 commented 1 month ago

Hello again,

Just posting a quick message to say that "wake from sleep" is not working on this latest version, however it does work on v5.4.2.92++


Maybe adding a startup delay tab in the software will cure this problem, something like between 100ms to 2 seconds, after further testing it seems if i manually start LCDSMARTIE after the PC has resumed from sleep it works perfect, it's almost as if the LCD driver doesn't have chance to handshake with LCDSMARTIE, so i've confirmed the issue is with smartie and not the crystalfontz USB display driver.

I've tried to delay startup in the task manager by 30 seconds (shortest time allowed) but obviously this setting has no effect when using sleep.

This is further confirmed by smartie starting up OK if i log out and back in instead of sleeping.
