LCHansson / iPlot

An example of an interactive plot app - DEPRECATED
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Dealing with NA values #12

Closed LCHansson closed 10 years ago

LCHansson commented 10 years ago

NA values should only be removed for those variables that have been selected as graphical filters.

In the text filters,Na should be included as an option.

For other variables, NA should always be included.

reinholdsson commented 10 years ago

Almost done, but for improved styling we could make use of bootstrapCheckbox. Need to find some nice NA-icons.

reinholdsson commented 10 years ago

See branch issue-12.

LCHansson commented 10 years ago

I accidentally branched the issue-21 branch off the issue-12 branch instead of master :) I've posted a pull request for my work there, it's really minor so please feel free to review it and merge it asap.

LCHansson commented 10 years ago

By the way, I like your work on #12 but don't you think the 'allow NA' should be optional? I've added "na_handler = TRUE" to defaultOptions, maybe we could query the options list for allow NA? It's a very valuable tool but it certainly clutters the interface a lot so I think it should be made optional FWIW.

reinholdsson commented 10 years ago

I agree, it makes the interface messy. We could see if we could make the buttons a bit more discrete, e.g. move them to the right ("float") of the mini plots / select lists.

Another solution would be to have one select list with all variables and whether to include NA or not as choices.