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Revise TAP algorithm to give higher priority to pre-peak events #152

Open rachel3834 opened 3 months ago

rachel3834 commented 3 months ago

Based on observations in OMEGA-II so far, TAP appears to be very conservative in choosing events to observe that are prior to the event peak. This seems to be due to the higher uncertainty on the calculated priority value, since this is a factor in the selection.

So I have revised the TAP priority functions TAP_priority.check_planet_priority and TAP_priority.check_long_priority to have a looser criterion on the priority uncertainty as a ratio of the priority itself.

Please monitor this change in progress (deploying now) and consider revisions.

mpgh commented 3 months ago

criterion3 (mag_baseline-mag_now>2) is preventing us from requesting observations based on varying survey quality. For an unblended event, lensing zone would be more around 0.3.

KKruszynska commented 3 months ago

I am reviewing how restrictive each criterion is for planetary events. I pre-selected the events by choosing the ones that are alive, are classified as microlensing and that are outside of the HCZ. This left 108 events.

The least restrictive criteria are:

Criterium 1 (priority > 10.) is fairly restrictive - only 8 events out of 108 events pass it. Criterium 3 (amplitude > 2 mag) is the most restrictive: only one event passes it (Gaia23cri).

Unfortunately loosening criterium 3 would produce only 2 events with the loosened criterium 2... We need to investigate more.

KKruszynska commented 3 months ago

This is a similar investigation of the long-priority criteria. There are five criteria:

If we would use all criteria in their strict form (strict crit 2 and strict crit 3) we are left with 3 events that should be followed-up. If we loosen criteria 2 and 3, we are left with 12 events. Here is the list of the events:

mpgh commented 3 months ago

In the past we have considered the "price tag" of each event, i.e. how many hours 1m observing time were requested and how it compares with the total time allocation and the expected time-allocation per day modulo some downtime factor. This would be even more of an enhancement, but would ensure that we are requesting more if time permits and not drop events when enough time is available.

KKruszynska commented 3 months ago

I loosened the following criteria:

I ran into some issues with run_TAP, I will resume working on it asap.

KKruszynska commented 3 months ago

I fixed the run_TAP issue (it was issue number #154). Now I am trying to understand why it's not promoting OGLE-2024-DG-0011 event though is should meet long_priority check criteria.

KKruszynska commented 3 months ago

I loosened criterion 2 in both check_planet_priority and check_long_priority. Some of the events that are at baseline and are incorrectly marked as "Alive". I will return the pre-peak and post-peak priority check and add an amplitude criterium to long events.

KKruszynska commented 3 months ago

Okay, I made the following changes: