LCOGT / mop

Microlensing Observation Portal
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Upgrade targetlist table #181

Open rachel3834 opened 1 month ago

rachel3834 commented 1 month ago

MOP's targetpage would be more useful if it presented a search-results table with a different set of parameters.

For microlensing specific targets, the parameter set presented in the priority targets table would be best:

Target | t0 [days]-2460000.0 | u0 | tE [JD] | Current mag | Baseline mag | TAP Priority

It would also be great to implement this as a plotly-dash table and allow the columns to be sortable.

rachel3834 commented 4 weeks ago

I created a preliminary implementation of this app on branch feature/plot_table_app, and I think I got most of the way through implementing an interactive table.
However, I got stuck on configuring the app so that it can find Django's static files correctly. When loading the table app, it produces the error:

[16/Aug/2024 23:23:12] "GET /django_plotly_dash/app/TargetlistTable/_dash-dependencies HTTP/1.1" 200 3
[16/Aug/2024 23:29:01] "GET /targets/?page=2 HTTP/1.1" 200 63363
[16/Aug/2024 23:29:01] "GET /static/tom_common/css/main.css HTTP/1.1" 200 361
[16/Aug/2024 23:29:01] "GET /static/tom_common/css/custom.css HTTP/1.1" 200 657
[16/Aug/2024 23:29:02] "GET /static/tom_common/img/logo-color-cropped.png HTTP/1.1" 200 55240
[16/Aug/2024 23:29:03] "GET /static/tom_common/img/MOP.jpeg HTTP/1.1" 200 132404
[16/Aug/2024 23:29:04] "GET /django_plotly_dash/app/TargetlistTable/ HTTP/1.1" 200 3741
Not Found: /targets/P/DSS2/color/properties
Not Found: /targets/P/DSS2/color/properties
[16/Aug/2024 23:29:04] "GET /targets/P/DSS2/color/properties HTTP/1.1" 404 10697
[16/Aug/2024 23:29:04] "GET /django_plotly_dash/app/TargetlistTable/_dash-dependencies HTTP/1.1" 200 3
[16/Aug/2024 23:29:04] "GET /django_plotly_dash/app/TargetlistTable/_dash-layout HTTP/1.1" 200 1563

I found the public documentation to be quite sparse and opaque. The best description I found here, but it didn't resolve the issue. This demo application was also useful.