LCTL / spring-webmvc-rythm

Rythm Template Engine for Spring Web MVC
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Add some documentation about feature coverage #2

Open vanto opened 11 years ago

vanto commented 11 years ago

Currently it is pretty unclear which features of Rythm are fully supported and which PlayRythm features are supported. Is there a roadmap which PlayRythm features are supposed to be migrated to Spring MVC?

As a sidenote, is there a particular reason why PlayRythm has @msg(...)/&(...) for i18n and this project uses @message?

LCTL commented 11 years ago

Rythm Templat Engine features is fully supported e.g. @extends, @args, @section, etc..., but do not cover PlayRythm supported features e.g. &{i18n.code} or @url(Application.index), because Play Framework has many magic features and very hard to implement those in Spring Framework.

For the @message is not match PlayRythm i18n @msg syntax. Solution is create a JavaTag and extends com.ctlok.springframework.web.servlet.view.rythm.tag.Message then override getName() method to return "msg" and register in Rythm Engine. Next version may be support @message and @msg syntax for i18n message.

I will create a document for developer to know which Rythm Template Engine features is supported and help developer easily migrate form Play Framework to Spring Web MVC.

I am glad that you are interested. :)