LD4 / ld4-community-recon

LD4 Community Working Group on Reconciliation - ARCHIVED
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Diverse input #58

Closed gerontakos closed 6 years ago

gerontakos commented 7 years ago

Primary Actor Metadata Specialist

Scope data integration tool

Story I have data sets to reconcile in multiple RDF serializations. I do not not want to have to use another tool to re-serialize. In addition I need to access data using a SPARQL endpoint; in fact, I want to input my source data set as well as some target data sets as SPARQL endpoints. We anticipate also the need to input ontologies and possibly other "knowledge" data (dictionaries?), but at present our input is restricted to the matching of source and target datasets in different formats (JSON-LD, RDF-XML, NTriples, Turtle, with the possibility of accessing using SPARQL endpoints).

jlhardes commented 7 years ago

Related to #52 - Merging data about same resources (with different data)