LD4P / qa_server

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Request additional context for LCNAF RWO results #492

Open briesenberg07 opened 1 year ago

briesenberg07 commented 1 year ago


Requesting that data corresponding to MARC Authority 368 $c and $d** be added to contextual information for LCNAF RWO lookups.

**RE: 368 $d: @AdamSchiff it doesn't appear that 368$d values come through in the RDF for bf:Persons/real-world objects, so I don't believe that it is available to display in QA lookup context.

Happy to provide additional information as needed--thanks!


Looking at Indexing of External Data for Look-ups > LCNAF tab, I do see what seem to be the required data points:


Yet, fetching the term from LOCNAMES_RWO_LD4L_CACHE does not yield the requested context. Maybe only some entity descriptor value labels are output to context?

More the requested data points from id.loc.gov data

...assuming that cached data is the MADS+SKOS 'flavor'

<lcnaf> a bf:Person, 
    madsrdf:entityDescriptor <lcdgt_or_lcsh> .
<lcdgt_or_lcsh> a skos:Concept ; # or madsrdf:Occupation, or ...?
    madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "desired string to add to context" .

EXAMPLE: Alexie, Sherman, 1966-

<http://id.loc.gov/rwo/agents/n91093126> a bf:Person,
        foaf:Person ;
    madsrdf:entityDescriptor <http://id.loc.gov/authorities/demographicTerms/dg2015060001>,
        <http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85126844> ;
<http://id.loc.gov/authorities/demographicTerms/dg2015060001> a skos:Concept ;
    madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "Americans" .
<http://id.loc.gov/authorities/demographicTerms/dg2015060124> a skos:Concept ;
    madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "Washingtonians (Washington State)" .
<http://id.loc.gov/authorities/demographicTerms/dg2016060400> a skos:Concept ;
    madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "Spokane (North American people)" .
<http://id.loc.gov/authorities/demographicTerms/dg2016060401> a skos:Concept ;
    madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "Coeur d'Alene (North American people)" .
<http://id.loc.gov/authorities/demographicTerms/dg2022060019> a skos:Concept ;
    madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "Seattleites" .
<http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85123215> a skos:Concept ;
    madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "Coeur d'Alene Indians" .
<http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85126844> a skos:Concept ;
    madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "Spokane Indians" .

For tracking purposes, please create a separate issue for each indexing improvement request.

sfolsom commented 1 year ago

@eichmann do you remember which serialization of LOC names you downloaded? It looks like madsrdf:entityDescriptor isn't in the data in fuseki, but the values are included in the n-triples here https://id.loc.gov/rwo/agents/n91093126.nt