LD4P / qa_server

A rails engine with questioning authority gem installed to serve as an authority search server with normalized results.
Apache License 2.0
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Consider usage logs for cached vocabs in planning #494

Open sfolsom opened 1 year ago

sfolsom commented 1 year ago

@eichmann provided the following:

22 /pcc_batch.jsp 88 /share_vde/uwashington_batch.jsp 89 /share_vde/frick_batch.jsp 90 /share_vde/harvard_batch.jsp 103 /isni_live_batch.jsp 119 /nalt_batch.jsp 121 /ligatus_batch.jsp 126 /dbpedia_name_batch.jsp 163 /loc_demographics_batch.jsp 248 /loc_subject_batch.jsp 249 /loc_cultural_organizations_batch.jsp 286 /isni_batch.jsp 292 /homosaurus_batch.jsp 348 /loc_performance_batch.jsp 359 /share_vde/nlm_batch.jsp 361 /share_vde/ransom_batch.jsp 364 /agrovoc_batch.jsp 366 /share_vde/ucdavis_batch.jsp 375 /loc_countries_batch.jsp 386 /mesh_batch.jsp 439 /cerl_batch.jsp 547 /loc_genre_batch.jsp 587 /fast_batch.jsp 703 /loc_name_batch.jsp 987 /loc_rwo_name_batch.jsp 1006 /geonames_batch.jsp 3593 /getty_batch.jsp 4204 /rda_batch.jsp 4509 /loc_vocab_batch.jsp