In some cases, it is incorrect to simulate emissions beginning from
a state of no LDAR.
What was changed
Added a parameter to the virtual world that allows the user to
specify whether or not to simulate emissions that "begin" before the
start of the simulation.
Intended Purpose
The user can now specify whether or not to simulate emissions that
"begin" before the start of the simulation.
Pull Request Key Information
Reason for change
In some cases, it is incorrect to simulate emissions beginning from a state of no LDAR.
What was changed
Added a parameter to the virtual world that allows the user to specify whether or not to simulate emissions that "begin" before the start of the simulation.
Intended Purpose
The user can now specify whether or not to simulate emissions that "begin" before the start of the simulation.
Level of version change required
Testing Completed
Manually tested the new parameter.
All unit tests pass: unit_test_results.txt
All E2E tests pass: V4_simple_non_repairable_emissions_94605cd505228520195787c6f0f16f66e692d90c.log V4-simple_repairable_emissions_94605cd505228520195787c6f0f16f66e692d90c.log
Target Issue
Put GitHub keywords to link the pull request to the target issue here. For example: Closes #XX.
Additional Information
Include any other important information here.