Discrete Ordinates Solver for the (1D) Radiative Transfer Equation in a single or multi-layer plane-parallel atmosphere. Coded entirely in Python 3. Based on Stamnes' FORTRAN DISORT (see references in the Jupyter Notebook) and has its main features.
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Implement Stamnes' "iteration of the source-function" interpolation method as a subroutine #13

Open dhjx1996 opened 1 month ago

dhjx1996 commented 1 month ago

While every $\mu$-interpolation of the discrete ordinates intensity function approximation will have caveats, Stamnes' "iteration of the source-function" interpolation method (see Sections 2.7 and 2.8 of Stamnes, Knut and Tsay, Si-Chee and Wiscombe, Warren and Laszlo, Istvan and Einaudi, Franco. 2000. General Purpose Fortran Program for Discrete-Ordinate-Method Radiative Transfer in Scattering and Emitting Layered Media: An Update of DISORT) is non-standard and performs uniquely well. Therefore, it should be implemented as a subroutine.