LDSSA / ds-prep-course-2021

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framework for setting up a python development environment #32

Open buedaswag opened 3 years ago

buedaswag commented 3 years ago

Next year, how ill students setup a python development environment?

Will we give instructions for setting up with each of them? only one of them?

CatarinaSilva commented 3 years ago

my vote goes for pyenv ❤️

cimendes commented 3 years ago

conda 🐍

hcastilho commented 3 years ago

Conda removes the step of having to install a python version manually, adds a bit of overhead when creating the environment files.

pip/venv is the baseline, everyone sooner or later will have to use it.

pyenv, poetry, flt, pipenv, pip-tools all have pros and cons when compared to the other tools.

I'm keeping an eye on how the packaging ecosystem is going to change with PEP 518 with its pyproject.toml.

At the moment I'm slightly leaning towards good old pip/venv.

Juliana-R commented 3 years ago

Personally I prefer venv, you get a better sense of how things work and gain important troubleshooting skills. I used conda in Batch 3 and learned zero.