LDSSA / ds-prep-course-2021

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Use emojis on students Slack questions to flag for resolved or in need of help #41

Open mariana-s-fernandes opened 3 years ago

mariana-s-fernandes commented 3 years ago

Instructors or students to use the emoji ✅ to flag if the question was already resolved Instructors to use the emoji ⚡ if they need some other instructor to jump in and help with it

ramaroesilva commented 3 years ago

It would be awesome if we could somehow filter questions (besides ignoring while scrolling on slack) based on the emojis.

minhhoang1023 commented 3 years ago

@Juliana-R These are very good ideas. How do you think we can document it as a part of the process? Do we currently have a place where it would fit?

Juliana-R commented 3 years ago
Juliana-R commented 3 years ago

Btw @ramaroesilva when a new idea pops up inside an issue please open a new one. ;) That filtering idea is awesome but if it's not on a new issue it will probably get lost. Remember the motto: 🌳 If it's not in a GitHub issue, it does not exist. (ok this is on a GitHub issue's comment, so it is in a GitHub issue... dammit the motto is not that awesome anymore).

Juliana-R commented 3 years ago

So is this process official? Are we ready to document it on section DS Prep Course of the Wiki?

minhhoang1023 commented 3 years ago

We've been using it so far and it's pretty useful and avoid going through the thread! So let's officially document it ⭐

@Juliana-R Prep Course would be a good place to start. Then we can move it to LDSA if needed in the future. A question is that, as this process needs to be followed by staff and instructors, how could we make it so that instructors will not miss it. e.g. Volunteer onboarding?

Juliana-R commented 3 years ago

~- [ ] Actionable 1 - I'm a bit out of context here so I'd need someone (@ramaroesilva , @mariana-s-fernandes or @minhhoang1023 ?) to provide me with a text on this or you can contribute directly with a new page on the Wiki (how-to in the README);~ ~- [ ] Actionable 2 - I suggest we announce it on the private instructor channel on Prep Course Slack.~ -> actionables moved to comment below.

We could add it to the Volunteer Onboarding, but I think it wouldn't help at this point when most people already read that page.

mariana-s-fernandes commented 3 years ago

On Actionable 1, you mean this page here? Or creating another one?

It seems to me that this page is mostly focused on the Starters Academy and not as much on the Prep Course. So, as per @minhhoang1023 suggestion to add it first to the prep course, maybe we should include it first in the README in the ds-prep-course-instructors-2021?

Juliana-R commented 3 years ago

Hi @mariana-s-fernandes, I actually meant a new page under the separator DS Prep Course.

My opinion on the Wiki vs. README options is:

Juliana-R commented 3 years ago

So either is fine by me.

New actionables list suggested:

mariana-s-fernandes commented 3 years ago

Hi @Juliana-R Makes total sense for me! Thanks!

Juliana-R commented 3 years ago

Totally forgot we had this pending. What should we do about this issue?