Look at logs
Look at code, check what happens when a student submits slu00 - write notes about this
Student submits the LU here - https://portal.lisbondatascience.org/academy/student/units/SLU00/
Submit slu00
Can i run portal locally and test submissions that way?
Ver se a imagem de container que lhe digo para usar no grading existe mesmo
Im now running portal locally, will test submissions locally before i deploy to prod
Next step: run grading in a django shell
Tried changing the kubeconfig in the dockerfile, but the file does not exist at that time, so maybe django creates it at some point later? When? Where? How can i modify it at that time?
I can change the kubeconfig in the portal deployment repo, then apply it to the cluster, lets see if that works
i should not have the batch name in constance, instead i should use the the configmap and an environment variable
There are some outdated environment variables in the configmaps (like bucket names and such)
kubectl exec -ti $(kubectl get pods -l app=django -o custom-columns=:metadata.name | tail -n +2 | head -1) -- bash
source docker/production/django/entrypoint
python manage.py shell
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from portal.academy import models, serializers
from django.conf import settings
from rest_framework.settings import import_string
# get user
from portal.users.models import User
user = User.objects.filter(username='mig_student').first()
# get unit
unit = models.Unit.objects.filter(code='SLU00').first()
# get grade object
grade = models.Grade(user=user, unit=unit)
Grading = import_string(settings.GRADING_CLASS)
grading = Grading(grade=grade)
image = grading.get_image()
name = grading.get_name()
env = grading.get_env()
cmd = grading.get_command(image, name, env)
cmd_str = ' '.join(cmd)
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
unit, _, _ = self.get_object()
grade = models.Grade(user=self.request.user, unit=unit)
if not unit.checksum:
raise RuntimeError("Not checksum present for this unit")
# Grade sent on time?
due_date = datetime.combine(
unit.due_date, datetime.max.time(), tzinfo=timezone.utc
grade.on_time = datetime.now(timezone.utc) <= due_date
# Clear grade
grade.status = "sent"
grade.score = None
grade.notebook = None
grade.message = ""
# Send to grading
Grading = import_string(settings.GRADING_CLASS)
return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path_info)
apiVersion: v1
* cluster:
certificate-authority-data: example
server: <https://A78856EFA2476BE5993EC48CFA975782.yl4.eu-west-1.eks.amazonaws.com>
name: arn:aws:eks:eu-west-1:036806565123:cluster/portal-batch4
* context:
cluster: arn:aws:eks:eu-west-1:036806565123:cluster/portal-batch4
user: arn:aws:eks:eu-west-1:036806565123:cluster/portal-batch4
name: portal-batch4
current-context: portal-batch4
kind: Config
preferences: {}
* name: arn:aws:eks:eu-west-1:036806565123:cluster/portal-batch4
apiVersion: client.authentication.k8s.io/v1alpha1
- --region
- eu-west-1
- eks
- get-token
- --cluster-name
- portal-batch4
command: aws
kubectl run slu00-migstudent-tmrcvgku --restart=Never --rm -i --image=ldssa/batch5-slu00 --env LDSA_TOKEN=example --env PORTAL_TOKEN=example --env PORTAL_GRADING_URL=<https://portal.lisbondatascience.org/grading/academy/grade/192/> --env PORTAL_CHECKSUM_URL=<https://portal.lisbondatascience.org/grading/academy/checksums/SLU00/> --env DEPLOY_KEY="-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----|example|-----END PRIVATE KEY-----" --env CODENAME=SLU00 --env USERNAME=buedaswag --env REPO_NAME=batch6-workspace
kubectl describe configmaps django-configmap
apply -f configmaps/kubeconfig-configmap.yaml
# in the end just needed to update the kubeconfig, by applying the confgigmap in the portal deployment repo, replacing v1alpha1 with v1beta1
Outage Report: Grading
Grading of student submissions was stuck on sent from recent days until the 2022/09/28.
The cause of the problem was a faulty kubectl version as described here https://github.com/aws/aws-cli/issues/6920
The solution
in django configmapBATCH_NAME
in django configmapSome code and notes from the debugging process
Look at logs Look at code, check what happens when a student submits slu00 - write notes about this Student submits the LU here - https://portal.lisbondatascience.org/academy/student/units/SLU00/ portal/academy/views.py BaseUnitDetailView settings.GRADING_CLASS portal.grading.services.AcademyKubernetesGrading
Submit slu00 Can i run portal locally and test submissions that way? Ver se a imagem de container que lhe digo para usar no grading existe mesmo https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/ldssa/batch5-slu00 Im now running portal locally, will test submissions locally before i deploy to prod
Next step: run grading in a django shell
Tried changing the kubeconfig in the dockerfile, but the file does not exist at that time, so maybe django creates it at some point later? When? Where? How can i modify it at that time?
I can change the kubeconfig in the portal deployment repo, then apply it to the cluster, lets see if that works
Also, i should not have the batch name in constance, instead i should use the the configmap and an environment variable There are some outdated environment variables in the configmaps (like bucket names and such)