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transfer jobs doc to Wiki #236

Closed Juliana-R closed 2 years ago

Juliana-R commented 3 years ago

Context: Update the Jobs content on the Wiki.

Goal: (@Juliana-R)

Acceptance criteria: (@PedroGFonseca)

Juliana-R commented 3 years ago

@PedroGFonseca related with this task, should I replace the page at with the content at ?

Could you please confirm?

Waiting, thank you 🙏

PedroGFonseca commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the delay, the LDSA jobs page - draft is an internal work doc, and should not be where external companies get directed.

The seems like the right place to direct them, right?

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

Issue is stale

Juliana-R commented 2 years ago

I will be closing this for a lack of a clear actionable. @TSFelg letting you know this exists in case you want to pick it up as you take up Jobs.