LEGO / lego-ble-wireless-protocol-docs

This repository contains information about LEGO Hubs (name, battery level, etc.) and to interact with any sensors and motors connected to it.
MIT License
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Small docs issue #9

Open undera opened 5 years ago

undera commented 5 years ago

Hi there, it's pylgbst author bothering you.

First of all, thanks for publishing the docs, we had to guess a lot of things until you revealed official info. Great help for our community.

Here's the problem: I was reading through the docs and in the section 6.1. Encoding of WriteDirectModeData, in the table titled "TILT Commands encoded as WriteDirectModeData" I see the line that has

SetRgbColors(RedColor, GreenColor, BlueColor)

Mode 5

While whole table supposed to explain things around Tilt Sensor. I guess that's a mistake and it should say TiltConfigOrientation(Orientation).