Java Interpreter for the Low Entropy Model Specification language
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Deprecate <ConditionalDerivedVariable>, <Case> #59

Open borismarin opened 9 years ago

borismarin commented 9 years ago

<ConditionalDerivedVariable> has been marked as a candidate for deprecation (#55). It is used in NeuroML2, though.

borismarin commented 9 years ago

(moved from #55)

@pgleeson pgleeson commented 2 days ago I'd prefer to keep ConditionalDerivedVariable & Case. There's no other clean way to put in a conditional expression for a variable.

Fixed and Link are just used in Robert's Kinetic Scheme based channel, and could be replaced with other elements, but this needs testing...

@robertcannon commented 2 days ago Is ConditionalDerivedVariable used anywhere other than for writing expressions of the form x / (1 - exp(x)), where they are used to separate out the x=0 from the x!=0 cases?

I think the correct treatment for these is to introduce a named function as part of the language for this >expression ( @borismarin do you know if this function has a standard name?). Then implementations >can do their own thing with it and you keep the possibility of doing symbolic algebra which gets much >nastier if you start having branched expressions.

I see two questions here: