LETARTARE / Grbl-xx_with_Arduino

To build old Grbl-xxx in Arduino-xxx (actually xxx=1.0.5 or 1.0.5r2)
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Dumb question about limits #9

Closed unknowntothem closed 10 years ago

unknowntothem commented 10 years ago

Hi guys,

First off, Super program!!!! Been using it for a while now but having a small issue with limits/homing. In the normal GRBL you just hook up a NO limit switch to pins 9,10,11 and to ground, this works well, however in the 4 axis version I do the same thing but instead use pins 31,32,33 to ground but not response on the switches and in the GRBL settings I can't seem to activate $16 via grbl controller as it is not there. Any advice on how to switch on the limits would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards Max

LETARTARE commented 10 years ago

@unknowntothem , thank you for the report. This is an old version being adapted for 4 axes (0.845) and unfortunately the limits using 31,32,33, 34 have not yet been tested !! As soon as I have time !! I look at this problem. Best regards

unknowntothem commented 10 years ago

Thanks a lot for the quick response LETARTARE, really appreciate the work you guys are doing, using your code to control a turbine blade jig with 4 DOF as part of my MSc (funds are a bit limited which is why I am going the arduino route rather than a regular controller). I have found a workaround for this problem that will work for my project. Thanks again!

LETARTARE commented 10 years ago

hello, sorry I can not provide you with a solution immediately. Could you tell me your solution ? Best regards

unknowntothem commented 10 years ago

Hi Letartare,

My fix definitely won't work for a most people, I am making a turbine blade jig, the 4th axis only needs to move in increments of 90deg, so what I did was add a second arduino connected via digital pin to the GRBL arduino's coolant pin, in th G-code I switch on the coolant for a second whenever the blade needs to turn, the second arduino reads this HIGH pin and turns the blade 90 deg then stops, I added a delay on the second arduino so that one one turn is processed when this happens, so far it is working well but like I said, this won't help most people, sorry.

Kind regards

LETARTARE commented 10 years ago

Hi unknowntothem, I experience a version '0.8c' with a fourth axis = '0.8c1' for MEGA2560. https://github.com/LETARTARE/Grbl-xx_with_Arduino/tree/master/Grbl8c1Mega2560 This is a VERY EXPERIMENTAL Version as libraries Arduino-105xx. Best regards

unknowntothem commented 10 years ago


I owe you big time for that!!! System all hooked up and running properly as per the original plan with the new GRBL code that you sent, no more sleepless nights for a while :smile: well at least until we start with the experiments that the machine was designed for. Gotta say it again, seriously thank you!!!!

Kind regards