LEVIXDDLMAO / Tabi_rework_html5

this was made by karvdev
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can you port a mod for me #1

Open fnfporterhi opened 2 years ago

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

mod link: https://gamebanana.com/mods/329361

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

sorry this mod has no source code so i cant port it

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

ok what about this one: https://gamebanana.com/mods/334945

this has source code

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

Maybe if i do it, it will take a few days

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

Ok thanks

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

And go check out the Funked engine! :D

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

Do you have a html link yet? I wanna be a beta tester…

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

If that’s ok

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

So the early version of the game is not working right now so html is gonna be hold back untill beta (0.2) is out and working on windows and then maybe, the leather engine html5 is being done by one of my coders for the Funked engine So i will let you know when its done

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

Thanks dude :)

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

Np! Sorry if we dont get Funked engine html port to work we are doing the best we can

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

Oh it’s fine! No rush! I’m bored right now and got a lot of coding to do to unlock fps on HTML5 for chrome books…

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

thats cool!

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

Yeah, it is, had 1 successful run and got 335 fps the next minute it says Error: cannot import outside module…

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

But hey it’s the coding thing, gotta deal with haxe too lol

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

you have haxe?

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

Kinda, I have to have it to import the settings to unlock the fps limit, cause right now unless you have a 120 HZ refresh rate monitor, you’re stuck with 61 fps until I fix the import bug..

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

yeah So maybe when thats done i'll uploaded to the engine!

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

Welp I’m going to bed it’s 5:00 AM here..

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

Hey dude, I tested the engine (I’ve been watching the repo issue), and right now note colors and controls are the main problem but everything else works! Except for other songs, I can only play milf (which happens to be my favorite song), but still works great!

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

the beta(0.2) or newer (0.3)?

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago


fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

Haven’t seen newer

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

just wondering because 0.3 is not ported yet And (0.2) should work i testing it now

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago


fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

Also update on the unlimited fps for chrome books: I tested it the other day, VERY buggy, and it doesn’t work half the time I tested it though on the vanilla game, but it is very buggy still, and I got a lot of work to do to fix it

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

oh well take your time

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

FINALLY FIXED THE BUG! After 9 non-stop days of not sleeping, relying on coffee and other stuff, it works!

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

Cool!! how much fps do you get?

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

with a 75hz referesh rate monitor and the code, I get around 125-140

I tested it on the fnf megapack so that's not official yet, I've gotta test it on a version where it wont lag

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

ill send a recording in a minute

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

Okay! ^^

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

ok so recording doesnt like my chromebook, but here's the code

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

`openfl.display.BlendMode; openfl.text.TextFormat; openfl.display.Application; flixel.util.FlxColor; flixel.FlxG; flixel.FlxGame; flixel.FlxState; openfl.Assets; openfl.Lib; openfl.display.FPS; openfl.display.Sprite; openfl.events.Event;

var game:FlxGame; //optimize this fuckin shit

if switch



private function apply():Void {

if !html5

    framerate = 100;


   framerate = 60;


//openfl.Lib.current.stage.frameRate = cap var framerate:Int = 0; } `

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

ive gotta fix a bug but the rest is good

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

What should the name be? Take her time sorry it didn;t send

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

I think the name should be based off of the fps+ for windows, FPS+ chromebook edition

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

i mean the hx i might add it to the engine

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

Oh uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I honestly don’t know lol

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago


LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

Yeah that would work!

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

Also I have worked on a side project besides this, I created a Fnf app for iPad basically

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

It’s not released publicly because it’s android and Apple supported.

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago


fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

I’ve been devoleping it, it has 35 weeks, including everyone sings (3 songs), tabi, sky, and more

it’s a gigabyte big so

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

Yeah the engine is big too

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago

Lol same for mine I just had to reboot my iPad just to get it to finally boot up

I really need a new one mine is so old lol

Sending a preview as soon as it finishes downloading

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

Oh okay! I cant wait!

fnfporterhi commented 2 years ago


URL: https://share.icloud.com/photos/07cY268L6OfIo_7G1sAkWdn2Q

LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago


LEVIXDDLMAO commented 2 years ago

Why dose this look like FunkinForever