LEW21 / pydbus

Pythonic DBus library
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Watching bus names #31

Closed ghost closed 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

Is there something like g_bus_watch_name() in pydbus to notice if a service has stopped or has been restarted? If the service has stopped due to w.e. reason, I want the client to notice that and try to "reconnect", i.e. getting the proxy object again, so I don't have to restart it.

Another way I found is connecting to the NameOwnerChanged signal on org.freedesktop.DBus and check if the owner of my service exists or not.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Ok the way with NameOwnerChanged is pretty simple and works pretty well so far with the existing api of pydbus.


from gi.repository import GLib
from pydbus import SessionBus

def onNameOwnerChanged(self, serviceName, oldOwner, newOwner):
  if serviceName == "my.personal.service":
    if not newOwner: # service offline
      print("Connection to my personal service lost.")
    if newOwner: # service (re)started, (re)connect
      print("Connected to my personal service.")

bus = SessionBus()
print("Connecting to my personal service...")
  myservice = bus.get("my.personal.service")
  print("Connected to my personal service.")
except GLib.GError as err: # assuming the service is running in a glib event loop
  print("Connecting failed. My personal service is offline.")

So implementing something like the g_bus_watch_name() is not needed imho.