LFhase / GIA-HAO

[ICLR 2022] Understanding and Improving Graph Injection Attack by Promoting Unnoticeability
MIT License
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Submit the attack & defense implementation to grb #2

Open aviczhl2 opened 11 months ago

aviczhl2 commented 11 months ago

Hi, I'm Xu Zou.

I see your awesome work recently, and would like to invite you to submit your attack/defense model to GRB.

Is this work already using the grb framework for coding? In that case I guess you only need to put all your new attack methods in grb/attack and all your new defense methods in grb/defense and submit a merge request.

Thanks very much.

LFhase commented 11 months ago

Hi Xu Zou,

Yes, we indeed use GRB code to read and test at GRB datasets. We will be working on submitting our attack and defense methods to GRB benchmark : )