LGUG2Z / JeezyVim

A fast, reliable NeoVim configuration as a Nix Flake for people who want to use NeoVim as an editor and not as an IDE
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command not found #1

Closed bashfulrobot closed 3 months ago

bashfulrobot commented 3 months ago

Hi there, I was going to give jeezyvim a try, and I seem to be missing something as the build happens without error, but the binary is never found. I must have misunderstood something in the instructions.

I did:

# Overlays
              nixpkgs.overlays = [

I then import this file:

{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }:
  cfg = config.cli.jeezyvim;
  username = if builtins.getEnv "SUDO_USER" != "" then
    builtins.getEnv "SUDO_USER"
    builtins.getEnv "USER";
in {

  options = {
    cli.jeezyvim.enable = lib.mkOption {
      type = lib.types.bool;
      default = false;
      description = "Enable jeezyvim editor.";

  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {

    home-manager.users."${username}" = {
      home = {

        packages = with pkgs;
            jeezyvim # opinionated neovim

        sessionVariables = { EDITOR = "jvim"; };


I then enabled it on my system and rebuilt it without error. here

Thoughts or suggestions?

Thank you!

LGUG2Z commented 3 months ago

The binary is just regular old nvim (I believe this is the case for all derivations made from NixVim) - if you want to reference it as jvim you'll have to add the alias in your shell config

However, specifically for the EDITOR session variable, in my testing shell aliases are not resolved and you should reference ${pkgs.jeezyvim}/bin/nvim directly

bashfulrobot commented 3 months ago

I can easily just use nvim. It was a misunderstanding on my part. I thought because it was taking inspiration from lvim that the binary name followed the same pattern.

It's working now.

The biggest thing I'll need to get working is comment toggling. Off to see if you had removed the feature, or just changed the keybinding.


LGUG2Z commented 3 months ago

I have both the jvim and lvim aliases but because of all the muscle memory I still end up typing "lvim" most of the time 😅

Comments should still be toggled with gcc - I'll verify this when I'm at the keys. edit: Yeah, gcc is what I use to comment entire lines and gc to comment a block in visual mode.

bashfulrobot commented 3 months ago

OK, it's the traditional shortcut. I'm just gonna configure it to emulatelunar vim. I liked what they used. (space + )
