LGUG2Z / JeezyVim

A fast, reliable NeoVim configuration as a Nix Flake for people who want to use NeoVim as an editor and not as an IDE
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readme error missing ";" #2

Closed bashfulrobot closed 3 months ago

bashfulrobot commented 3 months ago

Hi there, in your example code, I think you are missing a ";"

{pkgs, ...}: {
  home.packages = [
    (pkgs.jeezyvim.nixvimExtend {
      # you can put anything under the "Options" section of the NixVim docs here
      # https://nix-community.github.io/nixvim/

      # some examples...

      # all your regular vim options here
      options = {
        textwidth = 120;

      # add your own personal keymaps preferences
      keymaps = [
          mode = "n";
          action = ":vsplit<CR>";
          key = "|";

          mode = "n";
          action = ":split<CR>";
          key = "-";

      plugins = {
        lsp.servers = {
          # full list of language servers you can enable on the left bar here:
          # https://nix-community.github.io/nixvim/plugins/lsp/servers/ansiblels/index.html

          graphql.enable = true;

        # full list of plugins on the left bar here:
        # https://nix-community.github.io/nixvim/plugins/airline/index.html

        markdown-preview.enable = true;
  ] # <---------------------------------------- HERE

My editor sure complains. :+1:


LGUG2Z commented 3 months ago

I'll update this as part of the changes I'll make to address #3 👌