Closed azinsharaf closed 3 weeks ago
--ahk flag in komorebic stop --bar --ahk doesn't stop the autohotkey. it seems the process name is different on my machine.
komorebic stop --bar --ahk
❯ tasklist | grep Auto AutoHotkeyUX.exe 20980 Console 1 13,872 K
Stop-Process -Name:komorebi-bar -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (Get-Command Get-CimInstance -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { (Get-CimInstance Win32_Process | Where-Object { ($_.CommandLine -like '*komorebi.ahk"') -and ($_.Name -in @('AutoHotkey.exe', 'AutoHotkey64.exe', 'AutoHotkey32.exe')) } | Select-Object -First 1) | ForEach-Object { Stop-Process -Id $_.ProcessId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } else { (Get-WmiObject Win32_Process | Where-Object { ($_.CommandLine -like '*komorebi.ahk"') -and ($_.Name -in @('AutoHotkey.exe', 'AutoHotkey64.exe', 'AutoHotkey32.exe')) } | Select-Object -First 1) | ForEach-Object { Stop-Process -Id $_.ProcessId -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } }
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro OS Version: 10.0.26100 N/A Build 26100
komorebic 0.1.30 tag:v0.1.30 commit_hash:9a3dbccc build_time:2024-11-03 23:49:52 +00:00 build_env:rustc 1.82.0 (f6e511eec 2024-10-15),stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
{ "$schema": "", "app_specific_configuration_path": "$Env:USERPROFILE/.config/komorebi/applications.json", "window_hiding_behaviour": "Cloak", "cross_monitor_move_behaviour": "Insert", "default_workspace_padding": 10, "default_container_padding": 10, "mouse_follows_focus": false, "border": true, "border_implementation": "Komorebi", "border_width": 3, "border_offset": -1, "border_style": "Square", "border_colours": { "single": "#42a5f5", "stack": "#00a542", "monocle": "#ff3399", "unfocused": "#808080" }, "stackbar": { "height": 40, "mode": "OnStack", "label": "Title", "tabs": { "width": 300, "focused_text": "#42a5f5", "unfocused_text": "#bd93f9", "background": "#141414", "font_family": "JetBrains Mono", "font_size": 20 } }, "transparency" : true, "transparency_alpha" : 250, "border_overflow_applications": [], "global_work_area_offset": { "top": 30, "bottom": 15, "left": 0, "right": 0 }, "object_name_change_applications": [ { "kind": "Exe", "id": "RemoteDesktopManager.exe", "matching_strategy": "Equals" } ], "ignore_rules": [ { "kind": "Exe", "id": "zebar.exe", "matching_strategy": "Equals" }, { "kind": "Exe", "id": "python.exe", "matching_strategy": "Equals" }, [ { "kind": "Exe", "id": "olk.exe", "matching_strategy": "Equals" }, { "kind": "Title", "id": "Reminders", "matching_strategy": "StartsWith" } ], { "kind": "Title", "id": "Arc extension popup", "matching_strategy": "Equals" }, { "kind": "Title", "id": "ActiproWindowChromeShadow", "matching_strategy": "Equals" }, { "kind": "Title", "id": "komorebi-gui", "matching_strategy": "Equals" }, { "kind": "Title", "id": "Workspot", "matching_strategy": "Equals" } ], "manage_rules": [ { "kind": "Exe", "id": "Survey123", "matching_strategy": "Contains" }, [ { "kind": "Title", "id": "[", "matching_strategy": "Contains" } ] ], "monitors": [ { "window_based_work_area_offset_limit": 1, // "window_based_work_area_offset": { // "left": 700, // "top": 0, // "right": 1400, // "bottom": 10 // }, "workspaces": [ { "name": "I chat", "layout": "UltrawideVerticalStack", "initial_workspace_rules": [ { "kind": "Exe", "id": "ms-teams.exe" }, { "kind": "Exe", "id": "olk.exe" }, { "kind": "Exe", "id": "thunderbird.exe" } ] }, { "name": "II seconed brain", "layout": "UltrawideVerticalStack", "initial_workspace_rules": [ { "kind": "Exe", "id": "Morgen.exe" }, { "kind": "Exe", "id": "Todoist.exe" }, { "kind": "Exe", "id": "Obsidian.exe" } ] }, { "name": "III", "layout": "UltrawideVerticalStack", "initial_workspace_rules": [ { "kind": "Exe", "id": "ArcGISPro.exe" }, { "kind": "Exe", "id": "RemoteDesktopManager.exe" }, { "kind": "Exe", "id": "WorkspotClient.exe" }, { "kind": "Exe", "id": "Spotify.exe" } ] }, { "name": "IV", "layout": "UltrawideVerticalStack", "initial_workspace_rules": [ ] }, { "name": "V", "layout": "UltrawideVerticalStack", "initial_workspace_rules": [ ] } ] } ] }
Komorebic(cmd) { RunWait(format("komorebic.exe {}", cmd), , "Hide") }
!+s::Komorebic("start --config '$Env:USERPROFILE.config\komorebi\komorebi.json' --ahk --bar")
!+e::{ Komorebic("stop") ExitApp }
!q::Komorebic("close") !m::Komorebic("minimize")
; Focus windows !h::Komorebic("focus left") !j::Komorebic("focus down") !k::Komorebic("focus up") !l::Komorebic("focus right")
!+[::Komorebic("cycle-focus previous") !+]::Komorebic("cycle-focus next")
; Move windows !+h::Komorebic("move left") !+j::Komorebic("move down") !+k::Komorebic("move up") !+l::Komorebic("move right")
; Stack windows !Left::Komorebic("stack left") !Down::Komorebic("stack down") !Up::Komorebic("stack up") !Right::Komorebic("stack right") !;::Komorebic("unstack") ![::Komorebic("cycle-stack previous") !]::Komorebic("cycle-stack next")
; Resize !=::Komorebic("resize-axis horizontal increase") !-::Komorebic("resize-axis horizontal decrease") !+=::Komorebic("resize-axis vertical increase") !+_::Komorebic("resize-axis vertical decrease")
; Manipulate windows !t::Komorebic("toggle-float") !f::Komorebic("toggle-monocle")
; Window manager options !+r::Komorebic("retile") !p::Komorebic("toggle-pause")
; Layouts !x::Komorebic("flip-layout horizontal") !y::Komorebic("flip-layout vertical")
; Cycle Workspaces !a::Komorebic("cycle-workspace previous") !s::Komorebic("focus-last-workspace") !d::Komorebic("cycle-workspace next")
; Workspaces !1::Komorebic("focus-workspace 0") !2::Komorebic("focus-workspace 1") !3::Komorebic("focus-workspace 2") !4::Komorebic("focus-workspace 3") !5::Komorebic("focus-workspace 4")
; Move windows across workspaces !+1::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 0") !+2::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 1") !+3::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 2") !+4::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 3") !+5::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 4")
KOMOREBI_CONFIG_HOME detected: C:\Users\azin.config\komorebi
Looking for configuration files in C:\Users\azin.config\komorebi
Found komorebi.json; this file can be passed to the start command with the --config flag
No ~/.config/whkdrc found; you may not be able to control komorebi with your keyboard
How many different variants of the AHK executable are there? 😞
flag inkomorebic stop --bar --ahk
doesn't stop the autohotkey. it seems the process name is different on my machine.Version Information
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro OS Version: 10.0.26100 N/A Build 26100
komorebic 0.1.30 tag:v0.1.30 commit_hash:9a3dbccc build_time:2024-11-03 23:49:52 +00:00 build_env:rustc 1.82.0 (f6e511eec 2024-10-15),stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
Komorebi Configuration
Hotkey Configuration
Requires AutoHotkey v2.0.2
SingleInstance Force
Komorebic(cmd) { RunWait(format("komorebic.exe {}", cmd), , "Hide") }
!+s::Komorebic("start --config '$Env:USERPROFILE.config\komorebi\komorebi.json' --ahk --bar")
!+e::{ Komorebic("stop") ExitApp }
!q::Komorebic("close") !m::Komorebic("minimize")
; Focus windows !h::Komorebic("focus left") !j::Komorebic("focus down") !k::Komorebic("focus up") !l::Komorebic("focus right")
!+[::Komorebic("cycle-focus previous") !+]::Komorebic("cycle-focus next")
; Move windows !+h::Komorebic("move left") !+j::Komorebic("move down") !+k::Komorebic("move up") !+l::Komorebic("move right")
; Stack windows !Left::Komorebic("stack left") !Down::Komorebic("stack down") !Up::Komorebic("stack up") !Right::Komorebic("stack right") !;::Komorebic("unstack") ![::Komorebic("cycle-stack previous") !]::Komorebic("cycle-stack next")
; Resize !=::Komorebic("resize-axis horizontal increase") !-::Komorebic("resize-axis horizontal decrease") !+=::Komorebic("resize-axis vertical increase") !+_::Komorebic("resize-axis vertical decrease")
; Manipulate windows !t::Komorebic("toggle-float") !f::Komorebic("toggle-monocle")
; Window manager options !+r::Komorebic("retile") !p::Komorebic("toggle-pause")
; Layouts !x::Komorebic("flip-layout horizontal") !y::Komorebic("flip-layout vertical")
; Cycle Workspaces !a::Komorebic("cycle-workspace previous") !s::Komorebic("focus-last-workspace") !d::Komorebic("cycle-workspace next")
; Workspaces !1::Komorebic("focus-workspace 0") !2::Komorebic("focus-workspace 1") !3::Komorebic("focus-workspace 2") !4::Komorebic("focus-workspace 3") !5::Komorebic("focus-workspace 4")
; Move windows across workspaces !+1::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 0") !+2::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 1") !+3::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 2") !+4::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 3") !+5::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 4")
Output of komorebic check
KOMOREBI_CONFIG_HOME detected: C:\Users\azin.config\komorebi
Looking for configuration files in C:\Users\azin.config\komorebi
Found komorebi.json; this file can be passed to the start command with the --config flag
No ~/.config/whkdrc found; you may not be able to control komorebi with your keyboard