LGUG2Z / komorebi

A tiling window manager for Windows 🍉
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[BUG]: Komorebi crashed when switched to workspace 1 #875

Open liketoeatcheese opened 3 weeks ago

liketoeatcheese commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug It has been working fine, and not sure what happened because I didn't update any new version or touch the config since a month

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start up komorebic --ahk
  2. Move a window to workspace 3
  3. Move back to workspace 1 (then crashed)

Expected behavior It shouldn't crash

Screenshots and Videos Video walking through the crash: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ek0pV9rTK08M-rvPnh3lxFVil9X0Frq0/view?usp=sharing

Operating System Provide the output of systeminfo | grep "^OS Name\|^OS Version"

OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
OS Version:                10.0.22631 N/A Build 22631

komorebic check Output

No KOMOREBI_CONFIG_HOME detected, defaulting to C:\Users\wpham

Looking for configuration files in C:\Users\wpham

Found komorebi.json; this file can be passed to the start command with the --config flag

No ~/.config/whkdrc found; you may not be able to control komorebi with your keyboard


#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0.2
#SingleInstance Force

Komorebic(cmd) {
    RunWait(format("komorebic.exe {}", cmd), , "Hide")


; Focus windows
!+h::Komorebic("focus left")
!+j::Komorebic("focus down")
!+k::Komorebic("focus up")
!+l::Komorebic("focus right")

; !+[::Komorebic("cycle-focus previous")
; !+]::Komorebic("cycle-focus next")

; Move windows
!^h::Komorebic("move left")
!^j::Komorebic("move down")
!^k::Komorebic("move up")
!^l::Komorebic("move right")

; Stack windows
; !Left::Komorebic("stack left")
; !Down::Komorebic("stack down")
; !Up::Komorebic("stack up")
; !Right::Komorebic("stack right")
; !;::Komorebic("unstack")
; ![::Komorebic("cycle-stack previous")
; !]::Komorebic("cycle-stack next")

; Resize
!=::Komorebic("resize-axis horizontal increase")
!-::Komorebic("resize-axis horizontal decrease")
!+=::Komorebic("resize-axis vertical increase")
!+_::Komorebic("resize-axis vertical decrease")

; Manipulate windows
; !m::Komorebic("toggle-monocle")

; Window manager options
; !+r::Komorebic("retile")
; !p::Komorebic("toggle-pause")

; Layouts
!x::Komorebic("flip-layout horizontal")
!y::Komorebic("flip-layout vertical")

; Workspaces
!+1::Komorebic("focus-workspace 0")
!+2::Komorebic("focus-workspace 1")
!+3::Komorebic("focus-workspace 2")
!+4::Komorebic("focus-workspace 3")
!+5::Komorebic("focus-workspace 4")
!+6::Komorebic("focus-workspace 5")
!+7::Komorebic("focus-workspace 6")
!+8::Komorebic("focus-workspace 7")

; Move windows across workspaces
^+1::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 0")
^+2::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 1")
^+3::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 2")
^+4::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 3")
^+5::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 4")
^+6::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 5")
^+7::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 6")
^+8::Komorebic("move-to-workspace 7")

Additional context Nothing is running with AHK, and attached is the log komorebi_crashed_log.log

LGUG2Z commented 3 weeks ago

From looking at the errors on the logs I have a feeling the fix for this may already be on master and planned for the next release; can you try running a build from the latest GitHub actions job?

liketoeatcheese commented 3 weeks ago

The github action pushed to master so I assume it's master branch you're referring to? So I did a git clone https://github.com/LGUG2Z/komorebi.git. But same error

CtByte commented 3 weeks ago

I think you could also download the created artifact and use the .msi file to install, or copy the .exe files to your c:\Program Files\komorebi\bin\ folder

liketoeatcheese commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, an interesting thing I found. This only happens when I start up komorebi while connecting to ultrawide monitor with mirroring (Not extending monitors). But if I start up first, on the laptop, then plug it in, it's not a problem. Seems like a very edge case to me to be maintaining it.

Should I be closing this ticket?