LGhassen / Deferred

Add deferred rendering to KSP
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Failure in subsystem : Internal props compilation #6

Closed Nymbat-The-Eternal closed 3 weeks ago

Nymbat-The-Eternal commented 3 weeks ago

Hi. I installed the latest update and my game is now refusing to load. It always crashes when trying to load Prop: Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/Seat_Pilot/Seat_Pilot The following is the error message it gives me while loading: Loading has failed due to an unhandled error

Failure in subsystem : Internal props compilation Prop: Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/Seat_Pilot/Seat_Pilot

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at PartLoader.ReplaceTextures (UnityEngine.GameObject model, System.Collections.Generic.List1[T] textureNames, System.Collections.Generic.List1[T] newTextures) [0x00247] in <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0 at PartLoader.CompileModel (UrlDir+UrlConfig cfg, ConfigNode partCfg, System.Single scaleFactor, AvailablePart partInfo) [0x004d4] in <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0 at PartLoader.LoadInternalProp (UrlDir+UrlConfig urlConf) [0x00053] in <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0 at PartLoader+d75.MoveNext () [0x000c3] in <4b449f2841f84227adfaad3149c8fdba>:0 at KSPCommunityFixes.Performance.KSPCFFastLoader+d63.MoveNext () [0x00146] in :0

The following is the contents of my GameData folder: 000_ClickThroughBlocker 000_Harmony 000_NiakoUtils 000_TexturesUnlimited 000_Toolbar 001_ToolbarControl AllYAll Apex ASET Astrogator AtmosphereAutopilot AutoAGL AutoAsparagus AvaliSpaceProgram B9PartSwitch B9_Aerospace_ProceduralWings Benjee10_sharedAssets Benjee10_stowaway BetterRocketDesigns CommunityResourcePack ContinuousCollisions ContractConfigurator CorrectCOL CustomPreLaunchChecks DecouplerShroud Deferred DE_IVAExtension DiffuseR EasyBoard EasyVesselSwitch EditorExtensionsRedux EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements EvenMoarActionables ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads FieldTrainingFacility FillItUp Firespitter ForScience FreeIva FreeLaunchClamps FuelMyShip GRAPEFRUIT GravityTurn GroundEffect HabTechProps HideEmptyTechTreeNodes HUDReplacer Interkosmos IVA_Patches JoolBiomes JSI kAerospace KcalbelohSystem KEI KerbalEngineer KerbalJointReinforcement KerbalKonstructs KerbalStats KerbalVR KerbealisticDocking KerboKatz KerbthulhuKineticsProgram KesslerSyndrome KGEx Kopernicus KopernicusExpansion Kronometer KSA KSCExtended KSCHarbor KspBugReport KSPCommunityFixes KSPIRC KSTS LadderWarp LagrangeProyect LazyPainter M-ISPx2 MechJeb2 MechJebForAll MiningExpansion Mk3Expansion Mkerb MoarActionables ModularFlightIntegrator NavyFish NearFutureProps NightShift NotSoSimpleConstruction Nymbat OSSNTR ParallaxR PartCommanderContinued PatchManager PersistentRotation PhysicsHold PlanetShine ProbeControlRoom ProceduralFairings QuickBASIC QuickMods RationalResourcesParts RCSBuildAid RealisticAtmospheres Rescale 10.618x RetractableLiftingSurface Reviva RocketSoundEnhancement RocketSoundEnhancementDefault SCANsat Shabby Shaddy Sigma SigmaDimensions SimpleConstruction SimpleLogistics Singularity SmartParts SmartStage SmokeScreen SpaceTuxLibrary SpaceY Spectra Stock folder: Squad

Stock folder: SquadExpansion

StageRecovery StationScience SurfaceLights SushutsMainMenu SXT TeaKettleRCS TextureReplacer ThroughTheEyes Trajectories TriggerTech TSSafetyNet TundraSpaceCenter TURD TweakScale UJModlets VariantPersist VesselView VRAMr WarpEverywhere WhereCanIGo ZTheme zzz_Deferred 999_Scale_Redist.dll 999_Scale_Redist.version DockingPortExtendedRotation.cfg ModuleManager.4.2.3.dll ModuleManager.ConfigCache ModuleManager.ConfigSHA ModuleManager.Physics ModuleManager.TechTree MultiStarSolarPanels.cfg RS-25 SSME.cfg S.A.V.E.dat toolbar-settings.dat VR_human_hands.cfg

Removed duplicate Deferred folder. Removed KSP Community Fixes. Loading hangs at Squad/Props/PropsGeneric/Seat_Pilot/Seat_Pilot

LGhassen commented 3 weeks ago

Try to narrow it down and find the exact part mod that causes a conflict with Deferred, because that list is too big.

Nymbat-The-Eternal commented 3 weeks ago

Holy Kraken. I got a hole in one. I removed Kerbal VR and it loaded right up. Guess I better go let JonnyOThan know.

LGhassen commented 3 weeks ago

lol nice one, I'll talk to jonny directly, this is similar to another issue I ran into.

LGhassen commented 3 weeks ago

It's fixed now, get the latest release.

Let me know if this actually works in VR.

Nymbat-The-Eternal commented 2 weeks ago

It works perfectly in VR.

LGhassen commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks a lot for confirming