LGouellec / kafka-streams-dotnet

.NET Stream Processing Library for Apache Kafka 🚀
MIT License
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Running streams in a docker container #278

Closed FrankIversen closed 9 months ago

FrankIversen commented 10 months ago


We are trying to use kafka-streams-dotnet in a docker container and we are following the examples in kafka-streams-dotnet-samples in the setup of the docker container.

We are however hitting a snag. The docker container begins without an issue, but it goes dead when trying to create a stream application

The last thing we see in the log is an info message showing the entire stream config and then after that we get nothing.

the log message reads in the beginning "Start creation of the stream application with this configuration:" image

bottom of log message image

Is this something you have experienced setting up streams in a docker container? Currently we have very little to go on. Do you have an idea how we can move forward? It works fine as long as we dont run it in a container.

How to reproduce


Please provide the following information:

LGouellec commented 10 months ago

Hi @FrankIversen ,

How do you build your docker image ? Can you share your Dockerfile please ?


FrankIversen commented 10 months ago

Hi @LGouellec

This is the dockerfile:

FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet:7.0-alpine AS base


FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:7.0-alpine AS build

COPY ["./nuget.config", "./streamService/"]

ENV PATH="${PATH}:/root/.dotnet/tools" RUN dotnet tool install -g RecreateSolutionStructure RUN export PATH="$PATH:/root/.dotnet/tools"

COPY ["Directory.Build.props", ".editorconfig","stream.service.sln", "./streamService/"]

COPY ["stream.service.sln", "src//.csproj", "src///.csproj","tests//.csproj", "tests///.csproj", "./streamService/"]

COPY ["./src/stream.service.Application/", "./streamService/src/stream.service.Application/"] COPY ["./src/stream.service.Client.WebApi/", "./streamService/src/stream.service.Client.WebApi/"] COPY ["./src/stream.service.Domain/", "./streamService/src/stream.service.Domain/"] COPY ["./src/stream.service.Infrastructure/", "./streamService/src/stream.service.Infrastructure/"] COPY ["./src/logging.lib/", "./streamService/src/logging.lib/"] COPY ["./src/util.schema.events/", "./streamService/src/util.schema.events/"] COPY ["./src/uuid.generator.lib/", "./streamService/src/uuid.generator.lib/"]

RUN recreate-sln-structure "./streamService/stream.service.sln"

RUN dotnet restore "./streamService/stream.service.sln" --configfile "./streamService/nuget.config"

RUN dotnet build "./streamService/src/stream.service.Client.WebApi/stream.service.Client.WebApi.csproj"

FROM build AS publish

RUN dotnet publish "./streamService/src/stream.service.Client.WebApi/stream.service.Client.WebApi.csproj" -c Release --property:PublishDir=/app/publish


COPY --from=publish /app/publish . COPY --from=build "./streamService/src/stream.service.Client.WebApi/Properties" ./Properties/

RUN apk add --no-cache rocksdb libstdc++ bzip2 lz4 RUN ln -s /usr/lib/librocksdb.so.7 /usr/lib/librocksdb.so

RUN chmod a+x "stream.service.Client.WebApi.dll"


ENV SERVICE_ENVIRONMENT=dev3 ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c", "dotnet stream.service.Client.WebApi.dll --environment=$SERVICE_ENVIRONMENT"]

LGouellec commented 10 months ago

@FrankIversen Can you enable the debug logs, rebuild your docker image and share all the logs please ?

var config = new StreamConfig<StringSerDes, StringSerDes>
                ApplicationId = $"test-app",
                BootstrapServers = "localhost:9092",
                AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest,
                Logger = LoggerFactory.Create(b =>
                Debug = "all"
FrankIversen commented 10 months ago

yes, here we go:

info: streamService.Program[0] Starting up streamService.... info: streamService.Program[0] ENV=dev3 info: Streamiz.Kafka.Net.KafkaStream[0] stream-application[] Start creation of the stream application with this configuration: Stream property: client.id: pricing num.stream.threads: 1 default.key.serdes: Streamiz.Kafka.Net.SerDes.StringSerDes default.value.serdes: Streamiz.Kafka.Net.SerDes.StringSerDes default.timestamp.extractor: Streamiz.Kafka.Net.Processors.Internal.FailOnInvalidTimestamp commit.interval.ms: 10000 processing.guarantee: AT_LEAST_ONCE transaction.timeout: 00:00:10 poll.ms: 100 max.poll.records: 500 max.poll.restoring.records: 1000 max.task.idle.ms: 0 buffered.records.per.partition: 2147483647 inner.exception.handler: System.Func2[System.Exception,Streamiz.Kafka.Net.ExceptionHandlerResponse] production.exception.handler: System.Func2[Confluent.Kafka.DeliveryReport2[System.Byte[],System.Byte[]],Streamiz.Kafka.Net.ExceptionHandlerResponse] deserialization.exception.handler: System.Func4[Streamiz.Kafka.Net.ProcessorContext,Confluent.Kafka.ConsumeResult2[System.Byte[],System.Byte[]],System.Exception,Streamiz.Kafka.Net.ExceptionHandlerResponse] rocksdb.config.setter: System.Action2[System.String,Streamiz.Kafka.Net.State.RocksDb.RocksDbOptions] follow.metadata: False state.dir: /tmp/streamiz-kafka-net replication.factor: 1 windowstore.changelog.additional.retention.ms: 86400000 offset.checkpoint.manager: metrics.interval.ms: 30000 metrics.recording.level: INFO log.processing.summary: 00:01:00 metrics.reporter: System.Action1[System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable1[Streamiz.Kafka.Net.Metrics.Sensor]] expose.librdkafka.stats: False start.task.delay.ms: 5000 parallel.processing: False max.degree.of.parallelism: 8 application.id: Client property: sasl.mechanism: PLAIN security.protocol: sasl_ssl debug: all sasl.username: sasl.password: **** bootstrap.servers: Consumer property: max.poll.interval.ms: 300000 enable.auto.commit: False enable.auto.offset.store: False partition.assignment.strategy: cooperative-sticky auto.offset.reset: earliest session.timeout.ms: 45000 fetch.wait.max.ms: 60000 Producer property: partitioner: murmur2_random request.timeout.ms: 10000 Admin client property: None

dbug: Streamiz.Kafka.Net.Kafka.Internal.KafkaLoggerAdapter[0] Log admin Unknown - [thrd:app]: Selected provider PLAIN (builtin) for SASL mechanism PLAIN dbug: Streamiz.Kafka.Net.Kafka.Internal.KafkaLoggerAdapter[0] Log admin Unknown - [thrd:app]: Using statically linked OpenSSL version OpenSSL 3.0.8 7 Feb 2023 (0x30000080, librdkafka built with 0x30000080) dbug: Streamiz.Kafka.Net.Kafka.Internal.KafkaLoggerAdapter[0] Log admin Unknown - [thrd:app]: Setting default CA certificate location to /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt, override with ssl.ca.location Segmentation fault (core dumped)

LGouellec commented 10 months ago

Look strange, your application seg fault just at the beginning @FrankIversen Your application run well with an executable on a virtual machine for instance ? What is the host environment where this container is running ?

FrankIversen commented 9 months ago

@LGouellec we traced the problem to the streamsconfig. When we disabled these two lines as seen below, everything was running smoothly image It is probably only one the lines which is a problem, and it is probably the implementation itself of those handlers, but it was enough to have the entire thing grind to a halt with the segmentation error as the result.

LGouellec commented 9 months ago

Issue closed due to no longer from Streamiz