Numerical Wave Tank based on High-Order Spectral method
GNU General Public License v3.0
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When generating irregular waves with a duration of 500 seconds using HOS-NWT, an amplitude aliasing issue has occurred. #40

Open banzhiqing opened 2 months ago

banzhiqing commented 2 months ago

Dear Author,

I am writing to seek your advice on an issue I have encountered while using HOS-NWT to generate irregular waves. Specifically, when setting the calculation duration to 500 seconds, the FFT results of the wave height time series exhibit "amplitude aliasing" (one frequency corresponds to multiple amplitudes, as shown in Figure 1). Could you please help me understand the cause of this issue? The detailed input file is shown in Figure 2.

Thank you very much for your assistance.

Sincerely, Ban Zhiqing. Fig1 Fig2

gducrozet commented 2 months ago

Dear @banzhiqing

As specified in the main page:

This project has migrated to GitLab. This repository will be kept in its current state (at the time of migration), but new developments will only be added to the new repository. Please only submit issues and new developments in the new repository.

banzhiqing commented 2 months ago



此项目已迁移到 GitLab。此存储库将保持其当前状态(迁移时),但新的开发将仅添加到新存储库中。请仅在新存储库中提交问题和新开发。

I understand now. Thank you very much for your response.