LHNCBC / skr_web_python_api

SKR Web API: Python implementation
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Unable to get JSON Output #4

Open kevon217 opened 1 year ago

kevon217 commented 1 year ago

How can I get the JSON output from the response.json() object?

My call is: 'metamap -Z (2020AB) -V (USABase) -C -c -I -G --JSONf 2 -m -y -i -z –sldiID'

The MetaMap JSON documentation said to use the cmd 'metamap.JSON', however, that command resulted in errors, so I just used 'metamap'.

KimBenjaminTang commented 1 year ago

Hey if it helps, you can check out the issue I just opened: https://github.com/lhncbc/skr_web_python_api/issues/6. I think we are facing the same problem and my current workaround is to trim the first part of the response before the actual JSON starts.