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There are some abnormalities in the test results #10

Open gongchuanyang opened 3 months ago

gongchuanyang commented 3 months ago

Your work is really good and has given me a lot of inspiration, but when running the following command, the following situation occurs.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 nohup python -u eval_final.py --dataset WebQSP --pred_file Reading/LLaMA2-7b/WebQSP_Freebase_NQ_lora_epoch100/evaluation_beam/beam_test_top_k_predictions.json >> predfinal_LLaMA2-7b_WebQSP_Freebase_NQ_lora_epoch100.txt 2>&1 &

result result_1

I don't know what's wrong, can you give me some suggestions? Thanks