Open zhiweihu1103 opened 1 year ago
Would you mind providing the running script for JF17K? According to the default parameters you provided, I can only get 10% MRR results.
export LOG_PATH=./logs/jf17k.out export CUDA=4 export VOCAB_SIZE=29148 export DATASET=jf17k export VOCAB_FILE=./data/jf17k/vocab.txt export TRAIN_FILE=./data/jf17k/train.json export TEST_FILE=./data/jf17k/test.json export GROUND_TRUTH_FILE=./data/jf17k/all.json export NUM_RELATIONS=321 nohup python -u ./src/ --name "TEST" --dataset $DATASET --device $CUDA --vocab_size $VOCAB_SIZE --vocab_file $VOCAB_FILE \ --train_file $TRAIN_FILE --test_file $TEST_FILE --ground_truth_file $GROUND_TRUTH_FILE --num_workers 1 --num_relations $NUM_RELATIONS \ > $LOG_PATH 2>&1 &
The corresponding log file config:
05/14/2023 22:50:42 ----------- Configuration Arguments ----------- 05/14/2023 22:50:42 batch_size: 512 05/14/2023 22:50:42 ckpt_save_dir: ckpts 05/14/2023 22:50:42 dataset: jf17k 05/14/2023 22:50:42 decoder_activation: gelu 05/14/2023 22:50:42 device: 4 05/14/2023 22:50:42 entity_soft: 0.8 05/14/2023 22:50:42 epoch: 100 05/14/2023 22:50:42 global_activation: elu 05/14/2023 22:50:42 global_dropout: 0.1 05/14/2023 22:50:42 global_heads: 4 05/14/2023 22:50:42 global_layers: 2 05/14/2023 22:50:42 ground_truth_file: ./data/jf17k/all.json 05/14/2023 22:50:42 hidden_dim: 256 05/14/2023 22:50:42 hyperedge_dropout: 0.0 05/14/2023 22:50:42 local_dropout: 0.1 05/14/2023 22:50:42 local_heads: 4 05/14/2023 22:50:42 local_layers: 12 05/14/2023 22:50:42 lr: 0.0005 05/14/2023 22:50:42 max_arity: 32 05/14/2023 22:50:42 max_seq_len: 63 05/14/2023 22:50:42 name: TEST 05/14/2023 22:50:42 num_entities: 28825 05/14/2023 22:50:42 num_relations: 321 05/14/2023 22:50:42 num_workers: 1 05/14/2023 22:50:42 relation_soft: 0.9 05/14/2023 22:50:42 remove_mask: False 05/14/2023 22:50:42 test_file: ./data/jf17k/test.json 05/14/2023 22:50:42 train_file: ./data/jf17k/train.json 05/14/2023 22:50:42 use_edge: True 05/14/2023 22:50:42 use_global: True 05/14/2023 22:50:42 use_node: False 05/14/2023 22:50:42 vocab_file: ./data/jf17k/vocab.txt 05/14/2023 22:50:42 vocab_size: 29148 05/14/2023 22:50:42 warmup_proportion: 0.1 05/14/2023 22:50:42 weight_decay: 0.01
OK, updated.
I suggest you update the paper, because the Table 1 and Table 4 are different from your new hyperparameters.
Would you mind providing the running script for JF17K? According to the default parameters you provided, I can only get 10% MRR results.
The corresponding log file config: