Open maxime-poulain opened 8 years ago
Well this should be fixable pretty easy, i could just make it catch the latest coordinates and then move to that position when u start the app again? Sound like an idea for you?
@Override public void onPause() { super.onPause(); mLatitude = Double.parseDouble(sharedPreferences.getString("latitude", "420")); mLongtitude = Double.parseDouble(sharedPreferences.getString("longtitude", "420"));
That's one way to go indeed.
Dunno if you should save the location onPause() or onStop().
I think saving the location on the onPause() ( commiting to the shared pref the currend endLoc) and restoring the loc on onStart() seems good , I Think.
You might also add a switch for user that do not care about that. However I don't see why anyone would like that :P.
The proper way to fix that is to use a service to store the position (and handle the movement), as services keep running as long as other apps need then. This will also fix #2 as no shared preferences will be needed anymore. I've implemented it, but I need to cleanup my code and merge the recent commits before posting a PR.
you are right a service in the background get less likely killed by the system. That is exactly we need: as we want to keep the same coordinates from the first start.
when the app is getting stopped or even destroyed by the android system, if you try opening it up, for something like putting a new location to walk to , it will TOTALY restart. Thus your characther (I mean mEndLock) is again located at the location you are at.
I don't remember correctly Android app life cycle but I think everything has to do to with the onRestart & onStop methond from Activity class.
I mean until your application is not destroyed by the user IT SHOULD not reset default value. Would overriding onStop() method to save the endLoc in the sharedpreference prevent this ?
DUnno if I could make myself clear,
cheers mate I love your work :D .
Will try helping ; gonna clone by tmr and pull request at least french translations.