LHerskind / PokemonPositionFaker

A module for the xposed framework used for simulation walking in Pokemon GO
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[SUGGESTION] that would be great to be added #9

Open LUCKASSs opened 8 years ago

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

Hello, Before that I would say that an awesome App !

But you can add some features to be the one :

You made a great work on this app and I respect That. Thx !

LHerskind commented 8 years ago

Hi Thanks for the nice words.

kted commented 8 years ago

The default walking speed might be a little too high, as it doesn't always register as walked distance in the game. So an option to set it manually would be a good idea, as well as the enable/disable switch, so that you don't have to disable the module and reboot to play normally.

LHerskind commented 8 years ago

Thought that the maxspeed was about 15 mp/h, i have put my speed at 15 km/h so thought i would be safe here. Some of my friends are having trouble with the program not logging the walking even when playing normally, so i thought it was simple just the game beeing unprecise. But yeah, maybe setting a maxspeed at 10 km/h. What is your thoughts here? Setting a maxspeed at 10km/h or making it possible for the user to change it?

Great to hear that your would enjoy an on/off switch, i just finished making one.

kted commented 8 years ago

I think that leaving the default as is, and allowing the user to set his own speed (up to a safe maximum) is the best idea.

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

Yeah setting own speed would be great for eggs !

"Great to hear that your would enjoy an on/off switch, i just finished making one." You will add this feature today ?

LHerskind commented 8 years ago

I am just working out a way to easy make the user choose a speed, and then i will upload the new version with route, on/off and speed

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

You're a boss ! The on/off button is perfect ! But with this version the Spoofer doesn't work anymore for me..

LHerskind commented 8 years ago

Glad to hear that it is something is working. Did you restart the pokemon Go app after turning it on again? It checks if the module is on in the constructor of the pokemon Go app, so if you dont restart it wont check again

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

Yeah but if I restart the App when the button is ON, the game say that he doesn't find my gps

LHerskind commented 8 years ago

I can recreate your bug, looking into it right away.

It works again if you just press somewhere on the map in the app "location spoofer", have you tried this?

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

Yeah I try but the same bug..

LHerskind commented 8 years ago

I make a version with some logging, could i get you to install it and then recreate the bug and share the log here?

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

Yeah of course ! Do you have whatsapp or any app for talk ?

LHerskind commented 8 years ago

Don't have whatsapp

Going to take some time with the app with loggin, i messes something up and now it is not even installing the module :-1: ... Remember to disable instantrun when you switch between projects...

LHerskind commented 8 years ago

Here it is, hopefully it will make it easier to see the problem. When you tried pressing the map, did you opened the pokemon Go app while he was walking, because that fixed it for me :+1:


LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

Yeah if I walk that work But I play in central park with my second account and I have to teleport fast..

I have to download the debug app and what next, I have to unistall first ? What I do with xposed ?

LHerskind commented 8 years ago

Have you tried teleporting and then walk a bit after the teleport?

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

That not work very well at the moment for me..

LHerskind commented 8 years ago

Hmm, well if you have installed you should be able to go to the xposed app and then to the log, you can copy that and paste it here

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

Where I can find the log ? On the xposed log ?

LHerskind commented 8 years ago

Yup, just the xposed log would be great :+1:

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

Here it is


LHerskind commented 8 years ago

Thats is really wierd. In the log i can see that it changes you coordinates. So i can't really figure out how it is not working properly...

kted commented 8 years ago

The module works, the pokeball walks to the destination, but the game coordinates don't change. Maybe the last update by niantic changed something?

LHerskind commented 8 years ago

Hmm, really strange, the logs says that the ingame position is changing, and it is also working fine for me, i really cant seem to understand why it is not working for you.

kted commented 8 years ago

Just reverted to the last xposed repo version (1.0.5) and it works fine. Must be something in the module that breaks things. BTW I am running latest MM on a Nexus 5, with Franko kernel, and the only other xposed module is GravityBox.

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

Another issue, when the module is off, the game recognize my real position but he don't walk when I walk..

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

@Nanochrome any tips for fixing that ?

LUCKASSs commented 8 years ago

Any update coming ?