LIHPC-Computational-Geometry / gmds

GMDS, for Generic Mesh Data Structures and Services, provide a set of libraries to represent and handles meshes in the context of numerical simulation. It mainly targets quad and hex mesh generation and adaptation.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Mesh deformation #265

Open SimonCald opened 1 year ago

SimonCald commented 1 year ago

We want to smoothly deform the mesh, either by pressing or pulling the surface of the model at certain points.

This will be done by computing a homothety function on nodes, the origin of the homothety is the plane Y=0. We also give a radius of smoothness for each deformation.

create-issue-branch[bot] commented 1 year ago

Branch issue-265-Mesh_deformation created!

SimonCald commented 1 year ago

The commit 3112bcdfb22616504eea574d6caf538bb4ba8153 give the first draft for the algorithm. By giving a mesh, a list of points and a radius the code the able to deform the mesh.

Next steps are: