LIMO-EEG-Toolbox / limo_tools

Hierarchical Linear Modelling for MEEG data
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Fixed 2 issues #116

Closed arnodelorme closed 1 year ago

arnodelorme commented 1 year ago

One generated a crash for the unpaired t-test (see

The other code I changed made no sense. I changed

                newparameters = check_files(Names{2},1);
                if newparameters ~= 1
                    error('paired t-test second set must also be con files')
                    parameters = 1;

newparameter was not used, and worse, this is the index of the beta. Why would you force the index of the beta to 1? Instead based on the code above, what is correct is

                parameters(2) = check_files(Names{2},1);

And it works fine. The rest of the changes are minor GUI stuff and text edit. For example, the GUI asks you to select a single beta at a time for two sample t-test or paired t-test.

Please merge so we do not diverge.

CPernet commented 1 year ago

because Names{2} exists only for con, this bits of code doesn't handle betas and therefore it must be 1