LIMO-EEG-Toolbox / limo_tools

Hierarchical Linear Modelling for MEEG data
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PSOM fails but when deactivated it works fine #117

Closed arnodelorme closed 2 months ago

arnodelorme commented 1 year ago

This is the error I get. When I deactivate PSOM in limo_settings_script, the pipeline runs fine. Weird

09-Sep-2022 23:18:53 : The job has FAILED
Total time used to process the job : 0.59 sec.

ans =

     Log of the (matlab) job : design
     Started on 09-Sep-2022 23:18:52
     User: arno
     host : arnauds-mbp.lan
     system : unix
     The job starts now !
     reloading data ..
     pop_loadset(): loading file /System/Volumes/Data/data/matlab/compare_eeg_pipelines/ds003061/derivatives/eeglab/sub-005/eeg/sub-005_task-P300_run-2_eeg_ses-1_design1.set ...
     pop_loadset(): Incompatible with new format, trying old format and converting...

     Something went bad ... the job has FAILED !
     The last error message occured was :
     Unrecognized field name "cellArray".
     File /System/Volumes/Data/data/matlab/eeglab/functions/popfunc/pop_loadset.m at line 284
     File /System/Volumes/Data/data/matlab/eeglab/functions/popfunc/pop_loadset.m at line 152
     File /System/Volumes/Data/data/matlab/eeglab/plugins/limo_tools/limo_batch_design_matrix.m at line 24
     File /System/Volumes/Data/data/matlab/eeglab/plugins/limo_tools/external/psom/psom_run_job.m at line 214
     File /System/Volumes/Data/data/matlab/eeglab/plugins/limo_tools/external/psom/psom_run_job.m at line 128
     File /System/Volumes/Data/data/matlab/eeglab/plugins/limo_tools/external/psom/psom_run_script.m at line 437
     File /System/Volumes/Data/data/matlab/eeglab/plugins/limo_tools/external/psom/psom_run_script.m at line 323
     File /System/Volumes/Data/data/matlab/eeglab/plugins/limo_tools/external/psom/psom_pipeline_process.m at line 591
     File /System/Volumes/Data/data/matlab/eeglab/plugins/limo_tools/external/psom/psom_run_pipeline.m at line 417
     File /Applications/ at line 837
     File /Applications/ at line 67

     Checking outputs
     The output file or directory /System/Volumes/Data/data/matlab/compare_eeg_pipelines/ds003061/derivatives/eeglab/sub-005/eeg/ses-1/ds003061_design1_GLM_Channels_Time_WLS/Yr.mat has not been generated!

     09-Sep-2022 23:18:53 : The job has FAILED
     Total time used to process the job : 0.59 sec.
arnodelorme commented 1 year ago

This is reproducible

arnodelorme commented 1 year ago

This is without using PSOM (even if it mentions it below)

Screen Shot 2022-09-10 at 12 09 40 AM

CPernet commented 1 year ago

well even with your added debugging section (not needed IMO, because I debug just fine by calling the pipeline) it still relies on psom, the difference being that your version doesn't catch errors and actually stops computing and doesn't parallelise (hence in other thread my cst change to have it on by default)

CPernet commented 1 year ago

all my test passed, what data are you using and which version of eeglab (dev?)

arnodelorme commented 1 year ago

I am using EEGLAB dev with this dataset

  1. Import with BIDS (run 2 only, I deleted all other runs)
  2. Remove channels 65:74
  3. Highpass at 0.5
  4. Extract epochs standard, oddball, and noise

[STUDY, ALLEEG] = pop_importbids('/System/Volumes/Data/data/matlab/compare_eeg_pipelines/ds003061', 'eventtype','value','bidsevent','on','bidschanloc','on','outputdir','/System/Volumes/Data/data/matlab/compare_eeg_pipelines/ds003061/derivatives/eeglab');
ALLEEG = pop_select( ALLEEG,'nochannel',{'EXG1','EXG2','EXG3','EXG4','EXG5','EXG6','EXG7','EXG8','GSR1','GSR2','Erg1','Erg2','Resp','Plet','Temp'});
ALLEEG = pop_eegfiltnew( ALLEEG,'locutoff',0.5);
ALLEEG = pop_epoch( ALLEEG,{'noise','oddball_with_reponse','standard'},[-0.5 1] ,'epochinfo','yes');
STUDY = std_checkset(STUDY, ALLEEG);
STUDY = std_makedesign(STUDY, ALLEEG, 1, 'name',' 1','delfiles','off','defaultdesign','off','variable1','type','values1',{'noise','oddball_with_reponse','standard'},'vartype1','categorical');
CPernet commented 1 year ago

it fails at EEGLIMO=pop_loadset([ filesep]); because in pop_loadset eegset = EEG.cellArray; but .cellArray doesn't exist

how can doing for ... psom_pipeline_debug work and doing parfor ... psompipeline not work this is the exact same code called, just not using fancy parallel or error catch stuff

arnodelorme commented 1 year ago

Yes, really weird. I cannot debug though. I would need to put a breakpoint in pop_loadset to see why the file is corrupted, but the parallel loop will prevent that.

The error above means that the EEG data is corrupted. It is trying to access EEG.cellArray because it is trying to decode as a very old EEG format. The EEG structure is probably missing the data field.

CPernet commented 1 year ago

or it is when calling psom_pipeline - a point break here then execute subject = 1, limo_batch_import_data(pipeline(subject).import.files_in,pipeline(subject),pipeline(subject).import.opt.cont,pipeline(subject).import.opt.defaults) see if this still cause the problem

compare with psom_pipeline_debug(pipeline(subject));