LIMO-EEG-Toolbox / limo_tools

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limo_ft_findcluster duplicate? #130

Closed arnodelorme closed 1 year ago

arnodelorme commented 1 year ago

limo_getclustersum.m uses limo_ft_findcluster while all other LIMO functions use limo_findcluster

Aren't the two functions equivalent? Why was limo_findcluster programmed by the way?

CPernet commented 1 year ago

well spotted !! line 25 change to limo_findcluster = 2/3 faster as indicated in the limo_findcluster function this is for speed see note that this should call spm_bwlabel located in eeglab\plugins\limo_tools\external\spm_bwlabel

arnodelorme commented 1 year ago

Not so fast. I have made a change that boost performance as well (remove the find) as recommended by MATLAB.

CPernet commented 1 year ago

read the doc -- limo_findcluster function = 60% faster

arnodelorme commented 1 year ago

I have removed the find in limo_cluster not the Fieldtrip function. Also I am trying to compile it in C. We can compare the speed.

CPernet commented 1 year ago

just use that function gonna -- this was written for that, and as you said all over limo stuff call this