LIMO-EEG-Toolbox / limo_tools

Hierarchical Linear Modelling for MEEG data
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Unpaired t-test on the beta file of session 1 vs session 2 #173

Open arnodelorme opened 11 months ago

arnodelorme commented 11 months ago

There are no variables, only the constant. Upon doing an unpaired t-test to compare the constant for session 1 and 2, I get this error. I will try to see if I can share the STUDY.

Unrecognized function or variable 'tmp_data'.

Error in limo_random_select>getdata (line 2178)
        data{igp} = tmp_data;

Error in limo_random_select (line 524)
    data = getdata(2,analysis_type,first_frame,last_frame,subj_chanlocs,LIMO);

Error in limo_random_effect>Two_Samples_t_test_Callback (line 207)
            limo_random_select('two-samples t-test',handles.chan_file,'nboot',handles.b,'tfce',handles.tfce,'type',handles.type);

Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)

Error in limo_random_effect (line 28)
    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});

Error in>@(hObject,eventdata)limo_random_effect('Two_Samples_t_test_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))

Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.