LIMO-EEG-Toolbox / limo_tools

Hierarchical Linear Modelling for MEEG data
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[BUG] Bug with limo_random_select #181

Closed npdrbong closed 7 months ago

npdrbong commented 7 months ago

I am doing RM-ANOVA on 3 conditions with 3 con files.

limo_random_select('Repeated Measures ANOVA',chanlocs,'LIMOfiles', {con1_files,con2_files,con3_files},... 'analysis_type','Full scalp analysis','parameters',{[1 1 1]},... 'factor names',{'Condition'},'type','Channels','nboot',1000,'tfce',0,'skip design check','yes');

It worked with 2021-12-21 version of LIMO, but I want to do it again with current version(to use improved gui version). However, error message with below poped up.

Unrecognized function or variable 'gp_val'.

Error in limo_random_select (line 1145) gp_nb = cell2mat(limo_inputdlg('How many independent groups of subjects or session per subject?','Groups', 1, {gp_val}));

I am using master branch of limo 4.0 and GUI version work properly.

I don't know what's wrong with this. Thanks!

CPernet commented 7 months ago

the issue is {con1_files,con2_files,con3_files}, what does that look like? if you do data = {con1_files,con2_files,con3_files} does it show a single group (row) and repeated measures in columns (an array of names here, right?); should be easy to fix, just need to make sure/understand where the error stems from

you can also check by setting a debug point and check size(,1);

npdrbong commented 7 months ago

I added a disp(,1) in line 1144 of limo_random_select file and got 1. I have single group and 1 categorical conditions which has 3 conditions. is this problem of previous step?

`>> limo_random_select('Repeated Measures ANOVA',chanlocs,'LIMOfiles', {con1_files,con2_files,con3_files},... 'analysis_type','Full scalp analysis','parameters',{[1 1 1]},... 'factor names',{'Condition'},'type','Channels','nboot',1000,'tfce',0,'skip design check','yes'); 1

Unrecognized function or variable 'gp_val'.

Error in limo_random_select (line 1146) gp_nb = cell2mat(limo_inputdlg('How many independent groups of subjects or session per subject?','Groups', 1, {gp_val}));`

CPernet commented 7 months ago

fixed - at least for me -, pull from master and try again with your code

npdrbong commented 7 months ago

Thank you, Cyril! Have a nice day! Problem solved.