LIMO-EEG-Toolbox / limo_tools

Hierarchical Linear Modelling for MEEG data
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[BUG] limo_display_results error when regression among subjects #183

Closed npdrbong closed 6 months ago

npdrbong commented 7 months ago

I am doing statistics with reference on tutorial:

and I got error message with current version.

It works well with version 20211221

limo_display_results(3,'Covariate_effect_1.mat',pwd,0.05,1,... fullfile(pwd,'LIMO.mat'),0,'channels',28,'plot3type','Modelled'); % course plot Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 3.

Error in limo_display_results (line 88) extra = extra{g.plot3type};

changed limo 4.0 master(current version) -> limo 20211221

limo_display_results(3,'Covariate_effect_1.mat',pwd,0.05,1,... fullfile(pwd,'LIMO.mat'),0,'channels',28,'plot3type','Modelled'); % course plot saveas(gcf, 'contrast_timecourse.fig'); close(gcf)

limo_display_results 15h 4min 48.237sec: making figure...

CPernet commented 6 months ago

fixed :-)