LIMO-EEG-Toolbox / limo_tools

Hierarchical Linear Modelling for MEEG data
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to run t-test without trimmed means - alpha level missing in limo_random_robust[BUG] #185

Closed mariajribeiro closed 6 months ago

mariajribeiro commented 6 months ago

limo_random_robust line 400


it crashes in limo_ttest because variable alphav is missing. fixed by adding extra input variable with alpha level.

CPernet commented 6 months ago

Hi Maria, ok will do - can you tell me why you use ='Mean' rather then the default?

mariajribeiro commented 6 months ago

Hi. I am trying this because there was an obvious difference in means and I was checking if the lack of significant clusters was because of the trimmed means. Obviously, these differences not very "robust" :(

CPernet commented 6 months ago

fixed in 3.4 and master, thx