LIMO-EEG-Toolbox / limo_tools

Hierarchical Linear Modelling for MEEG data
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limo_display_image overwritten by a different function #187

Closed arnodelorme closed 4 months ago

arnodelorme commented 6 months ago

In this commit 2 weeks ago

This is a real serious bug that breaks everything. Do not ignore it :-).

CPernet commented 5 months ago

you can reverse it if you want - except changing p value, everything else works from me.

arnodelorme commented 5 months ago

You overwrote a working function with something else. I can fix it, but it might take months until I use LIMO again and get to that.

CPernet commented 5 months ago

Only the display because you wanted the empty map to show

CPernet commented 4 months ago
