LIMO-EEG-Toolbox / limo_tools

Hierarchical Linear Modelling for MEEG data
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Batch 1st level analyses in LIMO #19

Closed neurolinguist closed 6 years ago

neurolinguist commented 6 years ago

Dear Dr. Pernet,

I am trying to apply LIMO to my EEG data. In "Batch 1st level analyses,” I can import the file listing all the set files, and I can read the categorical_variable.txt. However, the "glm" always fails, with the message as follows. Could I ask any suggestions for the failure? Thank you in advance.

Error using limo_pcout (line 37) Principal Component Projection cannot be computed, more observations than variables are needed


Shingo Tokimoto

CPernet commented 6 years ago

the error 'Principal Component Projection cannot be computed, more observations than variables are needed' says you cannot use WLS - ie switch to 'OLS'

neurolinguist commented 6 years ago

Dear Dr. Pernet,

Thank you very much for the quick reply. I have understood the solution.


Shingo Tokimoto