LIMO-EEG-Toolbox / limo_tools

Hierarchical Linear Modelling for MEEG data
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Unable to perform cluster analysis using LIMO toolbox in matlab #190

Closed sgovindaswamy closed 2 months ago

sgovindaswamy commented 5 months ago


I have collected EEG data from 70 channels under 5 experimental conditions. Now using LIMO I would like to perform cluster analysis for any 2 condition to identify the significant electrodes and the significant timestamps where there was an effect or difference between the 2 experimental condition. I am attaching the screenshots of the steps I have followed.
P.S : I tried 2nd level analysis using repeated ANOVA. I choose "faces" and "repetition" as factors with 2 values. I am not sure about this step. I assumed that it is a step to choose the number of experimental conditions that we would like to choose to perform cluster analysis

Expected Output: I would like to see clusters indicating the start and the end time in ms. Also the maximum F-value observed at which particular timestamp and the significant electrode.

Kindly let me know how can I rectify this issue.

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CPernet commented 4 months ago
