LIMO-EEG-Toolbox / limo_tools

Hierarchical Linear Modelling for MEEG data
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ENH - suggested fix to avoid matlab crash if nthreads=1 in matlab wit… #197

Closed schoffelen closed 2 months ago

schoffelen commented 2 months ago

…h parallel toolbox installed

schoffelen commented 2 months ago

This is nonsense PR, closing for now: I noticed different errors related to limo_check_ppool in different matlab versions. This looks as seriously non-robust to me.

schoffelen commented 2 months ago

OK, reopened.

I noticed different errors, depending on the matlab version: matlab 2023b does not like parcluster without input (at least not in my compute environment). changing it to parcluster('local') fixed it for me.

the other change pertains to only starting the parallel pool if numworkers>1