LIMO-EEG-Toolbox / limo_tools

Hierarchical Linear Modelling for MEEG data
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Undefined function cubehelixmap #4

Closed VisLab closed 7 years ago

VisLab commented 7 years ago

Undefined function 'cubehelixmap' for input arguments of type 'char'.

Error in limo_display_image>colorimages (line 305) cc(1:32,:)=flipud(cubehelixmap('decrease',32));

Error in limo_display_image (line 173) cc=colorimages(scale,LIMO);

Error in limo_display_results (line 1255) limo_display_image(LIMO,toplot,mask,mytitle)

Error in runBCI2000LimoModelSpectralLevel2 (line 25) limo_display_results(1, fileName, analysisDir, p, MCC, LIMO, flag)

cubehelixmap Undefined function or variable 'cubehelixmap'.

which cubehelixmap 'cubehelixmap' not found.

CPernet commented 7 years ago

check your 'external' folder is in the path - that function should be in there

VisLab commented 7 years ago

Suggest adding path in eegplugin_limo.m:

    if ~exist('pop_loadeep')
%         p = which('eegplugin_limo.m');
%         p = p(1:findstr(p,'eegplugin_limo.m')-1);
%         addpath( p );
        myPath = fileparts(which('eegplugin_limo'));
CPernet commented 7 years ago

yeh I do it from limo_eeg but I'll ask Ramon to do that @nucleuscub can you check how we should handle this
