LIMO-EEG-Toolbox / limo_tools

Hierarchical Linear Modelling for MEEG data
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Issue with EEGLAB/BIDS sessions #53

Closed arnodelorme closed 3 years ago

arnodelorme commented 3 years ago


My original study design has intra individual factor of pre/post intervention and interindividual factor of active or sham group.

To start LIMO processes, I created a new design that is just the intraindividual factor of session.

The issue is that the study files are saved by ID and session, so person 12 is 12_ses-1.dattimef and 12_ses-2.dattimef. LIMO is trying to find a file of 12.dattimef, instead. So I get an error that it cannot find 12.dattimef.

I tried to re-precompute variables based just on group design and just based on session design, but both were unsuccessful.

CPernet commented 3 years ago

it's in std_limo that we need to make changes -- but we also need to decide how we want to handle designs by default